Last Day of School & Summer Fun
Reminder, the last day of school, Wednesday, June 16, will be a full day. We hope each student has a wonderful summer break! Take a walk, look at nature, do a puzzle, whatever you do… keep you brain …
Reminder, the last day of school, Wednesday, June 16, will be a full day. We hope each student has a wonderful summer break! Take a walk, look at nature, do a puzzle, whatever you do… keep you brain …
The Dinwiddie High School Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony will be held this Friday, June 11, at the Virginia State University Multipurpose Center. We are excited to celebrate the seniors at this in-person ceremony! The ceremony will also …
PUBLIC NOTICE This is notification that the Dinwiddie County School Board will be meeting for Regular Session on, Tuesday, June 8, 2021 in the Pamplin Administration Building. 2:00 P.M. – CLOSED SESSION The Board Members will go immediately into Closed Session …
Building Trades Instructor Samuel Porter at Dinwiddie High School strives to give students opportuniites to showcase what they are learning. Congratulations to these students for their accomplishments. We look forward to seeing the finished products. View the pictures …
What is our school division doing well? What could it do better? What do we want DCPS to look like in 2026? As we draft a plan for our work over the next five years, we need your …
Lo sabías…? / Do you know…? Las personas que son hispanohablantes pueden contactarse al centro de Vacunas COVID -19 del condado de Dinwiddie al (804) 469-1050 para preguntas y para registración. El centro de Vacunas COVID – 19 …
At the May 11, 2021, Dinwiddie County School Board meeting, Emily Branch, director of human resources, and Christie Clarke, director of school and community relations, presented the awards for Teachers of the Year and Outstanding New Teachers of …
PUBLIC NOTICE The Dinwiddie County School Board will be meeting for Regular Session on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, in the Pamplin Administration Building. 3:00 P.M. – CLOSED SESSION The Board Members will go immediately into Closed Session for discussion of the appointment, …
If you receive an email from someone saying they are a Dinwiddie County Public Schools (DCPS) employee and it does not have an email address that comes from ‘’, DO NOT OPEN OR RESPOND TO IT. This email could …
Attention DCPS parents of students age 12 years and older. The Crater Health District is conducting a survey to determine the interest for vaccines. If you are interested in a vaccine for your child, please click on the …