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Home of the Generals

11608 Courthouse Rd
Dinwiddie, VA 23841
Office Phone (804) 469-5430
Office Fax (804) 469-3389
Doors open 7:05 am
Dismissal 2:25 pm
Office Hours 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Calendar Update More Details
Student Spirit Week 12/16-12/20 More Details
Winter Break More Details
Coming Soon: DMS Book Fair! More Details

Upcoming Events

  • DCPS Fine Arts Festival

    4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
    Dinwiddie High School
  • End Of 3rd Quarter

    All Day
  • Begin 4th Quarter

    All Day
Dr. Torrie Walker Principal

A Message from Our Principal

Greetings, Parents/Guardians and Students,

Welcome to School Year 2024-25, where we want our Dinwiddie Middle students to display P.R.I.D.E (Punctual, Respectful, Independent, Disciplined, and Engaged)! I am honored to lead a school with such deserving students, highly dedicated staff, and a supportive community. I feel very fortunate to be a part of this school and to support the students and families.
Being an Educator has been my passion for more than twenty years. I am a proud graduate of Dinwiddie County High School. So, it is truly an honor and a blessing to come back to serve as a leader in the county, which fueled my passion to become an educator. Before becoming the principal here, I most recently served as an assistant principal at Dinwiddie High School, principal of Fairmont Heights High School in Hyattsville, MD, English Language Instructional Coach, and English and Social Studies teacher in grades 4th—7th.
My theme, which I continued last school year, is “Changing the Perception to Achieve Greater Heights.” My goal is to collaborate with families and community members, maintain a presence in the community to understand its strengths and needs and develop long-lasting relationships. I plan to engage school resources to ensure we have a strong sense of providing a safe and orderly environment and a hunger to succeed academically. It is my goal that all students leave Dinwiddie Middle School prepared with all the tools and resources needed to succeed in high school.

DMS's parents and guardians request your support as we are dedicated to “Achieve Greater Heights.” We are asking the following from you:

-Ensure that you are checking Infinite Campus for grades and missing assignments.
-Communicating with your child’s teacher, grade-level counselor, and administrator.
-Encourage your child to follow the school-wide expectations (this includes the DCPS dress code and cellphone and technology policy), Secondary Code of Conduct,
-Monitor your child’s social media, text messages, emails, phone and Facetime calls. Please contact the school immediately if you hear something or say something that can impact the positive learning environment. Our goal is to intervene so that students and teachers are not distracted.
-If your child is experiencing the following as stated by this definition of bullying, please let us know immediately: bullying behavior, which is any aggressive and unwanted behavior intended to harm, intimate, or humiliate the victim. Bullying does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.
-Assist us by explaining Title IX to your child. We will cover this information during our grade-level assemblies, but we need you to explain this to your child. The Code of Student Conduct prohibits Sexual harassment under Title IX. A student shall not sexually harass another student or any school employee, volunteer, student teacher, or any other person present in school facilities or at school functions. It is prohibited for any student or employee, male or female, to harass another student or employee by making unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or engaging in other verbal, written, electronic, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
-DMS will continue to be a cell phone-free educational environment to promote the health and safety of our students. Students can only use corded headphones with Chromebooks for educational purposes. Please contact your child's grade-level administrator with any questions or concerns.

I am excited for the upcoming school year. Let's work together to make it successful and fulfilling. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us.

Dr. Torrie S. Walker
Dr. Torrie S. Walker
PROUD Principal
Dinwiddie Middle School