Deep Roots

The student population at Dinwiddie Middle School (DMS) is a combination of the families served by all five elementary schools in Dinwiddie County. The enrollment at DMS is approximately 1000 students. The student membership is represented demographically as follows: 53.9% White, 33.4% Black, 6.2% Hispanic, 5.5% are two or more races, and less than 1% are Asian, American Indian, or Native Hawaiian. The number of male students (509) is slightly higher than our female students (491), and approximately 15% of the students are serviced through a comprehensive continuum of special education services. Approximately 50% of our families qualify for free or reduced lunch, and less than 3% are English Learners. 75 teachers and 45 support staff serve the needs of the students at DMS.

Great Heights

Our philosophy is to provide each member of the Dinwiddie Middle School family with a meaningful, personalized educational experience. We provide this experience through remaining instructionally focused, planning proactively, staying student-centered, and being collaborative, supportive, and transparent. Our hashtag, #MUSTbesuccessful, guides our practice every day and is our promise to our community.  The school quality profile can be found at

The Dinwiddie Difference

Our strength at Dinwiddie Middle School is our culture. Through positive relationships and high standards we foster a positive school culture that enables students to take chances, fail-forward, and grow as individuals.  This same culture allows our teachers to innovate and to truly cause learning.  The students and staff are committed to maintaining a high standard of educational success. Additionally, the staff and students have expanded their success beyond academics and have increased their community impact through service clubs, community involvement, and connections with other Virginia middle schools.